- Unfortunately the weather and position of New Mills Golf Club doesn’t allow this to happen.
- It has been decided after studying all the guidance issued by England Golf/WHS/CONGU that General Play rounds will cease to be offered once the use of Winter Mats on the course is introduced.
Prior to your round
- A General Play round for Handicap purposes MUST be played in an Authorised Format of Play, i.e. individual strokeplay or stableford (NOT matchplay, betterball stableford, quad-am etc.);
- General Play rounds can be either 9 or 18 holes;
- You must Pre-Register before playing a General Play round for Handicap purposes;
- You should register your intention to play a General Play round for Handicap purposes using the Input Screen located in the Pro’s Shop or the Input Screen in the Clubhouse Foyer or HDID / Today’s Golf;
- Obtain a scorecard either 18 hole or 9 hole) and fill in the details at the top of the card;
- Your Playing Handicap is 100% of your Course Handicap for the purpose of marking your General Play scorecard;
- You must be accompanied by a marker to verify your score.
Processing your Score
- You must process your score on the day of play, whether it is a good score or a bad score. You can do this using the Input Screen in the Clubhouse Foyer, or on your mobile or device using HDID / Today’s Golf / Score Entry. If you use the terminal in the pro shop or foyer to register your General Play round you must input your score on the terminal in the foyer. If you register on HDID you must enter your score using HDID;
Remember, you must sign in to register your intention to put in a General Play round BEFORE you start your round. On the Computer system it shows when you signed in and when you entered your score – and it is apparent that some people sign in and enter their scores within a short time of each other – THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.
You must leave your scorecard in the Clubhouse;
- Failure to process your score could result in a penalty score being added to your competition record.
Also, if you complete a good scorecard and you have not previously pre-registered to complete a General Play Round for Handicap Purposes, the scorecard cannot be processed.
Scorecards and Course Handicap tables are available in the pro shop and elsewhere in the clubhouse.
18 hole card
9 Hole card Yellow Tees