Ladies can play in all club competitions, except Mens’ Majors and Seniors’ competitions. 18 hole competitions are normally on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesdays. There is also a 9 hole competition on Wednesday. The Ladies have a reserved slot on Wednesdays from 11.30 until 12.30. To enter competitions sign up on BRS, then pay your entry fee and sign in to play in the Pro’s shop. An informal roll-up on Monday mornings is well supported and good fun. It is ideal for all Ladies but especially those new to golf who want to master the game and meet members of the section on a non-competitive basis.
A number of Medal, Stableford and Major Board competitions are held throughout the season. These are usually 18 hole competitions but a 9 hole competition runs alongside them most weeks to accommodate Ladies who sometimes find 18 holes taxing. 9 and 18 hole friendly matches are played throughout the season against other local clubs.
Significant events in the calendar are: Ladies’ Day held in June, Lady President’s Day and Mr Captain & Mr President each host a day to Ladies. Our very popular Ladies’ Open and Turkey Trot are always very well supported.
We also play two enjoyable events with the Men’s Senior Section: an Easter Egg competition in the Spring and a 4BBB in early September.
The Ladies’ Section has an active social calendar which we all enjoy. We hold a variety of Fund raising events which include a Clarins evening near Christmas & a Fashion show. These are always popular and well attended.
Whether you are a potential new member or visitor, New Mills will give you a very warm welcome. If you need someone to play with we will do our best to arrange this.

Grace Watts’ Milestone Birthday Celebration!
We enjoyed a lovely get together to celebrate Grace Watts’ milestone birthday. Lady President reminisced of when she and Grace joined the golf club at the same time many years ago! A good time was had by all.
13th October 2024 – Ladies Open Turkey Trot
On Sunday 13th October we hosted our annual Ladies Turkey Trot, with ladies from all over the High Peak along with lots of new golfers, which is great to see. Results are below:-
Well done to all the winners!
Alison & Gavin Shields Win The Mixed Knockout!
Many congratulations to Alison & Gavin Shields, who beat Mo Harrison & Simon Belt by 2up in the final of this year’s Mixed Knockout, in a very closely fought match.
23rd September 2024 – Ladies / Seniors Mixed Competition Cancelled
The Ladies & Seniors mixed competition that was postponed on Monday 9th September 2024 and rescheduled to 23rd September has been cancelled due to heavy rain over the weekend continuing into today, with a yellow Met Office weather warning in force.
17th September 2024 – Mary Cooper Trophy Final
Congratulations to Alison Shields who won the Mary Cooper Trophy Final with an excellent nett score of 61. In 2nd place was Ann Brown with 71 and Jo Coull finished 3rd with 75. (The full competition results list can be obtained via the ClubV1 Members Hub or How Did I Do).
1st September 2024 – Wilson Bowl
Many congratulations to Kath Lindsay who won the Wilson Bowl with a nett score of 72, beating Ann Brown (2nd place) on a card playoff. In 3rd place was Joyce Hadfield with 74.
25th July 2024 – Chatsworth Ladies Exchange Day
New Mills Ladies checked in at the clubhouse & were met with a warm smile from Chatsworth Ladies‘ Captain.
Tea, coffee and chocolate treats were available and, for a lucky few who found the tavern early, bacon barmcakes. (No names mentioned!!)
The Ladies made their way to the first tee anticipating an enjoyable day of golf. During play the camaraderie was palpable. Tips were shared, good & bad shots were cheered and there was laughter at occasional mishits. The weather was extremely kind, the course beautiful & in good condition. Each hole offered a new challenge. All was enhanced by a red kite circling over the first fairway and deer running in the field behind the third.
The afternoon was highly enjoyable and as we approached the 18th hole, there was a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. A fitting end to a day of beautiful scenery, blue skies and great company.
The day concluded with a fabulous meal provided in the club’s tavern and a casual awards ceremony.
It had been a lovely day- a blend of sport, laughter and the simple pleasure of good company.
17th July 2024 – Lockwood Trophy
Many congratulations to Jo Coull who won the Lockwood Trophy (Stableford) with 36pts. In 2nd place was Alison Wright with 34pts and Jane Howard was in 3rd place with 33pts.
14th July 2024 – Mr Captain’s Day to Ladies
Congratulations to Jane Howard who won the Mr Captain’s Day to Ladies 18 hole Stableford with a score of 36pts. In 2nd place was Alison Wright with 33pts and Liz Milne was in 3rd place with 32pts. Jane Gee won the 9 hole Stableford with 13pts.
7th July 2024 – Ladies Open
On the 7th of July 2024 the Ladies‘ section at New Mills Golf Club held yet another very successful Open Day. The event, as usual, was very well supported with ladies from a number of golf clubs from Cheshire, Lancashire and of course, Derbyshire. In total 24 teams of four participated. Unfortunately, the day was quite grey and overcast and by the 9.00 start, the rain appeared. The first few groups of Ladies started the game in what could be described as quite wet and challenging conditions. However, by 10:30 the rain had moved on and the vast majority played under slightly grey and cool conditions which did not stop them enjoying themselves. In particular they enjoyed the warm welcome in the halfway house with pots of tea and a variety of cakes being served.
The winning team achieved a magnificent score of 93 points. This team was made up of three Ladies from Glossop and one Lady from Ashton; the second prize which also achieved an excellent score of 88 were a team of 3 Ladies from Westwood and one Lady from Stafford. It is great to see so many golfers from different clubs rising to the challenge of New Mills Golf Club.
The success of the day was due to the many helpers that made themselves available, those in reception, those at the halfway house and of course, those ball spotting. The course was in lovely condition with visitors expressing their appreciation of the course.
The staff who worked in the clubhouse responded to the large number of Ladies by supplying them with bacon butties and later with meals once they had completed their rounds of golf. Also once again we were very pleased to welcome the clothing company which fetched a wonderful selection of clothes.
19th June 2024 – Dowell Cup
Many congratulations to Alison Rudder who won the Dowell Cup (Medal) with a score of 66. In 2nd place was Jackie Piper with 73 and Maureen Harrison was in 3rd place with 75.
16th June 2024 – Lady President’s Day
New Mills Lady President, Christine Currie, hosted her day to Ladies on Sunday 16th June 2024. The weather was kind & there were even spells of sunshine! The Pimms & nibbles at the half way house were appreciated by all.
The 18 hole Stableford “board” competition was won by Kath Lindsay who scored 37 points. Second was Liz Milne with 32 points. The 9 hole Stableford was won by Judith Johnson & nearest the pin on the 4th by Marie-Anne McGibbon.
Kath thanked Lady President for her day & generosity and Lady President thanked Kirsty for the tasty food & all her help.
Judith Johnson, Liz Milne, Lady President, Kath Lindsay and Marie-Anne McGibbon
10th June 2024 – Easter Egg Competition
32 members of the Ladies and Seniors sections took part in this year’s Easter Egg competition, which was rescheduled from April due to the wet course conditions. The weather was more like Easter than summer, but was (mostly) dry! Played as a Texas Scramble over 13 holes, the winners with 41.2 were Lady President (Chris Currie), Gill Downes, Kevin Smith and Peter Coull. Runners up with 41.7 were Kate Bromilow, Marianne McGibbon, Nigel Thorpe and Keith Wright.
Many thanks to everyone who took part and to Jo Coull, Chris Currie, Jane Gee and Alan Goodall for organising the event.
Winners : Gill Downes, Lady President (Chris Currie), Peter Coull and Kevin Smith
Runners-up : Nigel Thorpe, Kate Bromilow, Keith Wright and Marianne McGibbon
9th June 2024 – Mr President’s Day to Ladies
Congratulations to Gill Downes who won the Mr President’s Day to Ladies 18 hole Stableford with a score of 33pts. In 2nd place was Liz Milne with 30pts and Jane Howard was in 3rd place with 26pts. Marion Harrison won the 9 hole Stableford with 11pts.
(The full competition results lists can be obtained via the ClubV1 Members Hub or How Did I Do)
Ladies Spring Meeting 2024 – Patricia Johnson Trophy
The Ladies’ Section held their Spring Meeting, a 13 hole Stableford, on Wednesday 24th April, after a delay of two weeks because of the wet weather and course conditions. Fortunately, the sun shone for some of the time and the course was beginning to dry out, so playing conditions had improved.
The trophy was won for the second year running by Gilly Sewell with 30 points. Second were Jenny Forshaw and Helen Hodkinson who scored 22 points.
Winner Gilly Sewell (right) with Lady President, Christine Currie
Ladies Annual Meeting & Presentation 2024
The above photo shows the winners of the Major prizes, from left to right : Liz Milne, Joyce Hadfield, Alison Rudder, Joyce Bennett and Alison Wright, who also won the prestigious Club Trophy.
Ladies Turkey Trot – Sunday 8th October 2023
A sunny Sunday saw New Mills Ladies host 14 teams to their Turkey Trot. It was a very successful day organised by Julie Fardon, who was ably assisted by Gill Downes. The format was a 13 hole Stableford with the best 2 scores to count.
– Winning team : Val Walters, Kate Wardle-Davies & Carol Starr from Hazel Grove Golf Club.
– Runners up : Kath Lindsay, Jane Gee & Christine Currie from New Mills Golf Club.
Well done to all who played.
The above photo is of the organisers and 2 members of the New Mills team who were runners-up. From left to right Christine Currie, Gill Downes, Jane Gee & Julie Fardon.
Celia meets the celebs
Celia James had the honour of meeting several celebrities at the Wentworth Celebrity Day. Who do recognize?
Ladies / Seniors Mixed Quad Am – 2nd October 2023
28 members of the Ladies and Seniors section enjoyed a very pleasant morning’s golf in what turned out to be a dry, warm October morning. Played as a stableford over 13 holes with the best Ladies and best Gents score to count, the winners with 57 points were Liz Milne, Pam Boffey, Kevin Smith and Pat Walker.
Runners up with 54 points were Jo Coull, Kate Bromilow, Hugh Jones and Rod Taylor.
The final prize winners were Judith Johnson. Chris Currie, Dave Rose and Mike Howard with 52 points.
Many thanks to everyone who took part and to Jean Taylor and Pat Walker for organising the event.
Ladies Day Competition July 9th 2023
As we do not have a Lady Captain this year we have renamed our Lady Captains Day, which is a major board competition, Ladies Day Competition.
The Winner for 2023 was Brenda Grimshaw. Runner Up. Christine Currie
Best Gross. Alison Wright
Nearest the pins – Marie Anne McGibbon & Alison Wright.
Nearest the Line – Kath Lindsay.
Winner of the 9 hole competition was Judith Johnson
We all had a very enjoyable day with a lot of good golf played. The weather played it’s part as well, as the rain that had been threatening waited until we had all come in before it fell in abundance.
Thanks also go to Becky for the lovely fish and chips.
Ladies Open 2023
The day dawned grey and cool, with occasional drizzle. 120 players hoping not to get wet! Well! The power of so many hopes meant that everyone survived the day without getting wet. There were some very good scores, despite the gale force winds. The winners coming in with 92 points! One of our own ladies (Ali Wright) led that team with players from 3 other clubs.
As always the day was supported by many helpers, in reception, in the half way house and out on the course ball spotting. The course was in lovely condition, with the visitors expressing their appreciation to the greens staff. Plus Alison Rudder supplied the extra plants on the course, which added to the overall appearance of a course well cared for.
Kirsty and Steve kept the ladies fed with bacon butties, and later with dinner. In between, the clothing company arrived with a wonderful selection of clothes, which was rapidly reduced as the ladies finished their round.
All the ladies praised the warm welcome given to them by everyone they met, and the quantity of cake offered in the half way house!!
Mr President’s Invitation to Ladies June 25th 2023
22 of the Ladies section played in Mr President’s invitation event on Sunday 25th June. Winners of the 18 hole competition in which 12 Ladies played was Jean Taylor with 39 points. Runner up was Alison Shields with 38 points who beat Alison Wright in a card play off.
The 9 hole competition was won by Kate Bromilow with 18 points with Judith Johnson coming second with 16 points.
After the game the ladies enjoyed complimentary salmon fish cakes and cakes courtesy of Steve and Kirsty.
The photos below show some of the ladies on the 1st tee with Mr President.
Mr President with Ladies past Captains and Presidents Ann Jones and Joan Flowers who played 5 holes on the day
Lady President’s Day June 11th 2023
What a day to remember! It started so well – hot, sunny (perhaps too hot) but a change was in the air and it wasn’t long after everyone had gone out that the clouds descended, thunder was heard and lightning seen. The klaxon sounded and everyone returned to the Clubhouse.
A big thank you to Sam and his team for working out the cards and from a very mixed bag of scores as several different number of holes had been played, we were able to determine the winners.
Joyce Hadfield came in first with Marie Anne McGibbon runner up. Celia James won the 9 hole competition. Alison Wright won Nearest the Pin – 8th and Alison Rudder won Nearest the Line 13th.
Thanks also goes to our Stewards Kirsty and Steve for managing to cope with an extremely challenging day. Well done!
Thank you again to everyone for their support and understanding.
Jackie Piper
Lady President.
Ladies Weekend at Telford Hotel, Golf and Spa
22nd-23rd April 2023
The results of the competitions were:
Saturday’s 4BBB. Winners – Alison, Celia, Joyce B and Kate.
Runners up – Mo, Jenny, Jackie and Christine.
Sunday- Individual 18 hole Stableford. Winner – Ann Brown
Runner Up – Liz Milne
Sunday – Individual 9 hole Stableford. ( Flowers Trophy) – Jackie Piper (Lady President).
We all had a fabulous time with lots of laughter. Thanks to Brenda Grimshaw for providing the entertainment.
The 2 rounds of Golf were certainly a challenge on a long, wet and muddy course. Congrats to all those that played. For those that chose to try out the Spa and pool area it was a great bonus and very enjoyable.
Many thanks and congratulations to Alison Wright for all her organisational skills. She did a great job.
Roll on next year.
Patricia Johnson Trophy 2023
Congratulations to Gilly Sewell who won this year’s Patricia Johnson Trophy. Gilly played wonderfully well even though there were strong winds and temporary greens to contend with.
The photo shows Gilly receiving the trophy from Lady President Jackie Piper.
Easter Egg Competition April 17th 2023
36 members of the Ladies and Seniors section enjoyed a good morning ‘s golf today playing in the annual Ladies/Seniors Easter Egg competition.
Winners with 64 points were Helen Hodkinson, Judith Johnson,
Bob Palmer and Nigel Thorpe.
Runners up with 61 points were Arthur Oliver, Ian Harding,
Gilly Sewell and Brenda Grimshaw.
The New Shrub Bed Near The Ladies Tee on the 12th Hole
Many thanks to Denis Higginbottom, Ian Bowers and greenkeeper Brendon for their hard work and expertise in building this new bed and to the Ladies section who generously funded the project in memory of Queen Elizabeth II
Lady President’s Day 2022
Lady President’s Day 2022 was held on a sunny but windy day at the end of June. It was well supported by the Ladies’ Section who enjoyed an afternoon tea provided by Kirsty & her staff after the competition.
Some good scores were recorded in both the 18 & 9 hole Stableford competitions. Beryl Southworth, who had donated the winner’s trophy, was invited to present the overall winner, Jackie Piper, with the salver.
Other winners included Margaret Palmer, Jo Coull, Mo Harrison, Marion Harrison, Angela Adamson & Janet Bowers who thanked Lady President, Jean Taylor, for the day & presented her with a bouquet of flowers.
Myra Nevett Trophy Sunday 27th November 2022
The trophy, in memory of Myra Nevett, who was a member of the Club, is played by the ladies before Christmas. Unfortunately, Covid and then very poor weather in 2021 meant it has not been played for 3 years. However, 2022 provided a mild, calm Sunday and 15 ladies played 13 holes.
The winner, with 28 points after a card play off, was Jane Howard ; second, Mo Harrison and third, Joyce Hadfield.
After the game, the ladies enjoyed mulled wine and mince pies in the Kinder Room.
Ladies-Seniors Annual Competition October 17th 2022
A beautiful sunny day, albeit windy, made conditions a little tricky for those playing in today’s Ladies-Seniors annual stableford.
Played over 13 holes, in teams of four, with the best Ladies and best gents score to count on each hole, the competition was won by Lady Captain, Celia James, Ian Harding and Pete Griffiths with 57 points.
The photo shows the winning team along with Mary Blake who announced the results and presented the prizes
Runners up with 54 points were Liz Milne, Gilly Sewell, Hugh Jones and John Downes
Ladies Open 2022
Another full tee sheet for the Open. However, it would never happen without the army of volunteers helping to park cars, meet and greet, bake cakes and run the half way house and all backed by the Green keepers providing a course in brilliant condition, and a Pro shop rescuing a shoeless lady!
The visitors, without exception, were full of praise for the course and the welcome given by everyone. They enjoyed the food in the clubhouse ( and I am quite sure the odd glass of wine!).
I have no doubt that the clothing co. who always try to attend, were part of the attraction, as they have an excellent choice of clothing at reasonable prices. It was a veritable fashion parade!
The raffle table is always popular, with the ladies providing a varied selection of offerings.
It was so nice to see all the familiar faces returning to the course. It almost felt as if the last 2 years had been not forgotten, but put to rest.
The competition was won by a mixed team of Alison Wright (New Mills), J. Kinder (Reddish Vale),
E. Cantello (Disley) and J. Dootson (Hazel Grove0 with 94 points
Mr Captain’s Invitation to Ladies Sunday June 5th
The awful weather last Sunday resulted in a smaller entry than usual for this annual event. Congratulations to everyone who completed the course in such adverse conditions.
Winner of the 18 hole medal , which is a Board competition, was Alison Rudder
Winner of the 18 hole Stableford competition was Pam Boffey
Patricia Johnson Trophy
Congratulations to Mary Blake winner of the Patricia Johnson Trophy . Played as a Stableford over 13 holes. Mary won with 27 points. Runners up with 26 were Joyce Hadfield and Marion Harrison.
Mary is seen receiving her trophy from Terry Johnson
Ladies away Day to Ashton Under Lyne June 9th 2021
Lady Captain was instrumental in organising our first away day earlier this year. 17 ladies enjoyed the glorious weather, fantastic course & the fun and laughter of the team event was heard all over the course.

Lady President’s Day July 25th 2021
A fabulous Sunny day and a the course in superb condition provided ideal conditions for a perfect lady President’s Day rounded off with a wonderful afternoon tea provided by Kirsty.
Prize Winners:
Alison Shields Nearest the pin on 4th.
Jane Howard Nearest the Line on 9th & 13th!!!!
Winner of 9 Hole S/Ford Kath Phillips
Runner up of 18 Hole Stableford Brenda Fink.
Winner of 18 Hole Stableford Margaret Palmer.
Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the day such a success!
Congratulations to Iris Tolputt for her hole in one!
Many congratulations to Iris Tolputt for her hole in one on the par three 7th at Avro Golf Club earlier this week. Not only did she get 6 stableford points but it helped her and her partner win their match and the team to also achieve a very creditable away win. Well done Iris. The drinks are on you!!!
Ladies Turkey Trot Open 2020
Ladies Majors 2020
Sadly, due toCovid-19 and a shortened golf season, three of our major competitions have had to be cancelled this year as they are all dependant upon qualifying rounds throughout the year – namely the Warren Cup, Mary Cooper trophy and Kitchen Trophy Knockout.
In addition both our Lady Presidents Day and Lady Captain’s Day also had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. However, as restrictions have eased we have been able to play more and more golf as the information below shows.
Rules Regarding Medal Competitions 2020
This year to encourage more players to take part in Medals, we have introduced England Golf’s Maximum Medal Score which means a player can pick up after playing a certain number of shots.
2020 Competitions
Dowell Cup 12th August 2020
Our first Major of the year saw extreme heatwave conditions and unbearable humidity with one of our ladies requiring assistance to be brought in from the course during the day, and the business ladies in the evening being plagued with thunder bellowing around them! Not good golfing conditions for any of our ladies, but well done to everyone who took part.
Congratulations and well done goes to Helen Harrison on her impressive win, nett 69, beating Ann Brown by 1 point who had a nett 70. Joyce Bennett was 3rd with nett 72.
Despite the thunder our winner managed to keep her cool, but feared the worse when she incurred triple bogeys on 17 & 18 rushing to get in before the storm came!
Several ladies played a 9 hole stableford competition the winner of which was Angela Adamson with 15 points who beat Jane Gee on a card play off with Marion Harrison 3rd with 14 points
Ladies and Seniors Annual Stableford 21st September 2020
A beautiful sunny morning made this year’s Ladies/Senior’s Betterball Stableford extremely enjoyable. With the best score from the Ladies and the best score for the Gents to count on each of the 13 holes, the winners, by a considerable margin with 65 points were Jean Taylor. Celia James, Alan Woolley and Don Cooper. (Unfortunately Alan wasn’t available whilst this was taken!!!)
Runners up with 62 points were Lady Captain, Joyce Hadfield, Bob Palmer and Alan Morton. 3rd, with 60 points, were Alison Rudder, Pam Boffey, Dave Good and Paul Lewis whilst 4th with 59 points were Jo Coull, Jane Gee, Tom James and Graham Hadfield.
Once again many thanks to Jean and Jeff for organising this popular fun event.
Fun Competitions 2020
We really would like our new members to join in & play with the section. As well as the weekly qualifying competitions, the ‘Fun competitions’ are especially designed for this as they are ‘Fun’ & mean that all abilities can play together & we can get to know each other. The new members who have entered have all said how much they have have enjoyed themselves.
Ladies 1,2,3 Waltz Wednesday 7th October
Winners with 48 points were Alison Rudder, Pam Boffey and Brenda Grimshaw.Runners up Jackie Piper, Mo Harrison and Lynne Mulhearn 46
Congratulations to everyone
Texas Scramble 4th October
Congratulations to the winning team of Lady Captain, Jane Gee and Pam Boffey with a score of 48.2
Runners up were Liz Milne, Joyce Hadfield and Brenda Wheeldon 52.1
Other Places:
3rd 52.2 Lynn Mulhearn, Jo Coull and Mo Harrison
4th 55.5 Jean Taylor, Chris Currie and Brenda Grimshaw
5th 56.7Jane Howard, Judith Johnson and Joyce Bennett
Well done to everyone who took part.
Ladies 1,2,3 Waltz Wednesday 7th October
Winners with 48 points were Alison Rudder, Pam Boffey and Brenda Grimshaw.Runners up Jackie Piper, Mo Harrison and Lynne Mulhearn 46
Congratulations to everyone
Autumn Meeting Wednesday 13th September
Congratulations to Ann Brown winner of today’s competition played over 13 holes with 23 points. Second place went to Angela Adamson just one point behind with 22 whilst Jean Taylor and Jane Howard tied for 3rd place with 21.
Well done to everyone who took part despite the poor weather.
2nd: M McGibbon, J Piper, J Gee, E Ardern 65.6
Thanks to all of the ladies who entered this comp and we hope you enjoyed it!
J Coull, A Shields & R Unsworth 69 points (£15 each)
A Wright, (Lady Captain) V Richardson & H Harrison 66 points (£5 each)
Well done to all of the winners.
2nd: C Wild & E Arden 45 points
Christmas Lunch 2019
The Ladies had a very enjoyable festive meal at the club today hosted by Jess and prepared by our new chef, Steph.
Thank you Ladies for a perfect start to the festive season!
Clarin’s Evening 23rd October 2019
Once again, the Clarin’s Evening was a huge success and organiser, Margaret Palmer, would like to thank everyone who supported the event by attending, buying raffle tickets etc so much so that the event has already been booked in for 2020!
The evening raised a profit of £591 and the Clarins girls were really pleased with their sales of £2340.
Sarah, from SOS, was very happy with her sales and we have booked her to do a fashion show next May so once again we’ll be looking out for models!
Ladies Turkey Trot 2nd October 2019
This year’s turkey trot was blessed with amazing weather which combined with the excellent state of the course and the stunning views of Kinder and the surrounding hills made it a perfect day.
The winners, with 54 points were two ladies from Romiley Golf Club with a ‘ghost’ player from New Mills. runners up with 48 points were two ladies from Disley Golf Club plus a lady from Carden Park.
Many thanks to everyone who took part and helped make it such a great day. we look forward to welcoming you back in 2020.
Ladies invitation to Seniors 23rd September 2019
16 ladies and 16 gents from the Senior’s section enjoyed an excellent morning’s golf in ideal weather conditions and with the course once again in tip top condition. Played as a betterball stableford with one gent and one lady to score on each hole, the winners, with an excellent score of 62 point, were Jean Taylor, Iris Tolputt, Keith Wright and Clive Garside.
Runners up on 58 were Jo Coull, Brenda Grimshaw, Dave Hibbert and Don Cooper.
The game was followed by some tasty soup and sandwiches. A big thank you to everyone who took part and to the organisers.
Lady Captain and Mrs Pam Boffey enjoy a leisurely stroll down the 9th fairway!
Ladies and Gents Away Day at Hawarden Golf Club Sunday 15th September 2019
A great day out was enjoyed by 19 of our members who played in a mixed competition last Sunday at Hawarden Golf Club.
Past Captains and Past Presidents Day 2019
The Ladies held their Past Captains and Past President’s competition on Wednesday 4th September which was followed by a fantastic meal in the evening.
Winner of the 9 hole competition was Joan Flowers with the main prize going to Janet Bowers who is shown receiving her prize from Lady Captain.
Well done to the prize winners and to everyone who took part.
Mr Captain’s Day
Finally after three cancellations due to weather Mr. Captain’s Day to the Ladies at last went ahead!
The weather was good, albeit a bit windy, but a great day was had by all.
Winner of the comp was Margaret Palmer with Mo Harrison as runner up. The photos below show both ladies being presented with their prizes by Mr. Captain.
The ladies would like to thank Mr Captain for the strawberries and Pimms at half way house and for the lovely buffet he provided after the presentation.
In Memory of Ray Flowers
Sadly, earlier this year Ray Flowers, who had been a member of the club for over 30 years and was, as such, a Life Member passed way. As a tribute his wife Joan and the Ladies Section of the club commissioned new red and blue tee markers which are now in position on the course.
Our thoughts go to Joan and her family. Ray was an extremely well liked member of our club and in every respect ‘a true gentleman’.
Ladies Open 7th July 2019

Lady President’s Day 9th June 2019

Annual Easter Egg Competition April 15th 2019

Looking forward to Spring

Ladies Presentation Evening

Ladies invitation to Seniors 5th October 2018

Ladies Day at Sickleholme 23rd August 2018

Lady President’s Stableford 29th July 2018

Mr Captain’s Day to Ladies 22nd July 2018

Day out at Chatsworth 19th July 2018

Lady Captain’s Day 24th June 2018

Mr President’s Day to Ladies 17th June 2018

Ladies day out at Malkins Bank Golf Club

Annual Easter Egg Competition

Ladies Presentation Evening 2017